Ultimate guide on water conservation methods in India in 2021

water conservation methods in India

WATER CONSERVATION METHODS IN INDIA Water conversation is the preservation, control & management of water resources. Water conversation is an important aspect of worksite environmental management. while the environmental concerns with industrial operations often focus on pollution the intense use of resources including water also needs to be taken into considerations.   WHY WATER IS … Read more

Environment treaties signed by India 2020

????????????? ???????? ???n?? ?? ????? ? ???? ?? ??????????t?? An environment is everything that is around us, which includes both living(biotic) and nonliving(abiotic) things. It includes physical chemistry and other natural forces. ??????????? ?? ???????????? Environment plays an important role in healthy living and the existence of life on planet earth?. Earth is home to … Read more

Special Overview on Ancient methods of Water Conservation in 2021. 

Ancient methods of Water Conservation    Introduction: Water which is one of the five essential elements, is a vital renewable natural resource. Three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered with water and hence the name water planet and it is in the water where the origin of life can be traced. Out of three-fourths’s water … Read more

Deep Overview on Environmental Movements in India 2021 – Bravery


Introduction To Environmental Movement. The Environmental Movement – The Ecology movement also widely known as GREEN POLITICS in India which includes the diverse philosophical social & political movement for addressing environmental issues. The environmental movements in India is an international movement, the recognition of humanity as a participant in ecosystems. The movement includes ecology, climate, … Read more

Human life disturbed? Know Effects of Cyclone

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What is Cyclone? Cyclone is basically a type of natural calamity. Cyclones are violent storms that are accompanied by rain, thunder, and lighting. A cyclone is capable of disturbing normal life with the severe destruction to a place of occurrence and around as well.? Cyclone is a strong and rotating wind that is also associated … Read more