Files – Options & Settings in Power BI in detail


Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities. The options and settings in Power BI are essential for configuring and customizing the behavior of the application. Below, I’ll provide an overview of the main options and settings categories in Power BI:

1. File Menu:

  • New: Create a new Power BI file.
  • Open: Open an existing Power BI file.
  • Save: Save the current Power BI file.
  • Save As: Save the current file with a new name or in a different location.
  • Import: Import data from various sources.
  • Export: Export data or reports to different file formats.
  • Publish: Publish the report to Power BI service or SharePoint.
  • Close: Close the current Power BI file.

2. Options:

  • File Options:
    • AutoSave: Enable or disable auto-save functionality.
    • Default File Location: Set the default folder for saving Power BI files.
  • Data Load Options:
    • Privacy Level: Configure privacy levels for data sources.
    • Maximum Allowed Connections: Set the maximum number of connections to data sources.
  • Current File Options:
    • Report Theme: Choose a color theme for the report.
    • Page Size: Set the default page size for new report pages.

3. Options & Settings in Power BI Desktop:

  • Query Editor Options:
    • Privacy Levels: Configure privacy levels for data sources.
    • Regional Settings: Set the regional settings for date and number formats.
  • Report Options:
    • Custom Color Palette: Define a custom color palette for visuals.
    • Visualizations Pane Options: Adjust the behavior of the visualizations pane.
  • Data Connectivity Options:
    • Data Extensions: Configure additional data connectors.
    • ODBC Options: Set options for ODBC data sources.

4. Security Options:

  • Privacy Levels: Control how Power BI handles privacy levels for data sources.
  • Power BI Service Options: Configure settings related to Power BI service integration.
  • Data Source Credentials: Manage credentials for data sources.

5. Performance Options:

  • Background Data:
    • Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) Optimization: Optimize DAX queries.
    • Parallel Loading of Tables: Load tables in parallel to improve performance.
  • Report Options:
    • Data Preview: Adjust the number of rows loaded for data preview.
    • Drilldown:
      • Show all values: Choose whether to show all values when drilling down.
      • Max Drilldown Levels: Set the maximum number of levels for drilling down.

6. Query Options:

  • Query Folding: Enable or disable query folding for specific data sources.
  • Native Database Queries: Configure options for using native database queries.

7. Visualizations Options:

  • General Options:
    • Category Labels: Adjust options for category labels in visuals.
    • Data Labels: Configure settings for data labels in visuals.
  • Table & Matrix Options:
    • Grid Options: Customize the appearance of the grid in tables and matrices.

8. Preview Features:

  • Turn on/off experimental features or features in the preview.

9. Custom Connectors:

  • Manage custom connectors and their settings.

10. Keyboard Shortcuts:

  • View and customize keyboard shortcuts for various actions.

11. Language Options:

  • Set the display language for the Power BI Desktop interface.

12. Performance Analyzer:

  • Analyze the performance of the report and identify bottlenecks.

13. Query Diagnostics:

  • Capture and analyze query diagnostics information.

14. Options in Power Query Editor:

  • Query Settings: Adjust settings related to query execution.
  • Formula Firewall: Configure options for the formula firewall.

These are just some of the key options and settings available in Power BI. Depending on the version and updates, new features and settings may be added. Users can explore these options to customize Power BI based on their specific requirements.

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