Special Guide on Elephant reserves in India 2021 – Save Elephants

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Elephant reserves in India   Introduction   Elephants are the largest mammal on the earth. They have massive bodies, large ears, and long trunks. They’re intelligent and family-oriented with great memories.???  They are an extremely popular tourist attraction in many countries.  Primarily, Three species of elephants are recognized;  the Asian elephants, the African bush elephants, … Read more

Simple Overview on Denotified Tribes Upsc – 2021

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Denotified tribes Upsc   India is the 2nd largest populated country in the world. In India population is categorized into urban population, rural population, educated population, uneducated and tribal population, etc.  We know that many tribes are found in the world as well as in India also. Tribes found in India are Kharia, Bhils, Murias, … Read more

Are humans reasons for [Extinct Birds in India]???

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Extinct Birds in India   Introduction                  In India, there are so many birds and animals, species have become extinct as a result of human activities.    However, some NGOs trying very hard to save our birds and animals in the environment. But these efforts are not enough. … Read more

A Complete Guide on [GIAHS in India]

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GIAHS in India   In 2020, 41.49% of the Indian workforce is engaged in agriculture. Agriculture in India is just not a livelihood but a connection with our motherland.   This article talks about the recognized agricultural sites which hold global importance in today’s time when the world is going through an environmental crisis and … Read more


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 Language used in India:-   India is the 2nd most populous country and 7th largest country in World. It has the largest diversity in World. India has more than 8 major religions with it.   Also, there are more than 30 major languages spoken. So the question here is which language is used in India? … Read more