Directives Principles of State Policy of India :-

Directives Principles of State Policy of India:-

It is the non-justiciable and non-enforceable Principles made in the Indian Constitution, also blueprint made by Constitution makers to suggest Govt include some main points while Working.


 It is included in Part IV from Articles 36 to 51. It was adopted from the Irish Constitution, while the Irish one took it from the Spanish Constitution. The Father of the Indian ConstitutionB.R.Ambedkar‘ called it ‘Novel Features of Constitution’.

Features of Directive Principles of State Policy:-

1) It can be compared with the word ‘State’ in Fundamental Rights with Article 36 in Directives Principles of State Policy.
2) It is the same as the ‘Instrument of Instruction’ of the Govt of act 1935.
3) It is non-justiciable and non-enforceable in nature (Article 37) but govt should take into consideration it’s the point.

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Classification of Directive Principles of State Policy:-


It can be classified into 3 parts:-

1) Socialistic Pattern
2) Gandhian Pattern
3) Liberal Pattern

Socialistic Pattern:-

1) To reduce inequality in income, status, the standard of living of people included in Article 38.
2) To give a holiday to women in the Maternity period included in Article 42.
3) To reduce all types of Unemployment in all sectors included in Article 41.
4) The equal wage for both genders i.e men and women and no discrimination in resource allocation included in Article 39.
5) To raise and improve public health included in Article 47.

Directives Principles of State Policy of India



Gandhian Pattern:-

1) To form Village and Support to 3 tier System Govt included in Article 40.
2) To stop the killing of Cows included in Article 48.
3) To stop the production of Drugs and Alcohol also from delivering in the Market included in Article 47.
4) To support SCs, STs, and Minorities for education included in Article 46.
5) To promote Cottage Industries included in Article 43.

Liberal Pattern:-

1) Uniform Civil Code included in Article 44 i.e equal rights in all sectors to all citizens in India.
2) Right to education for Children included in Article 45.
3) International peace of Justice included in Article 51.
4) To separate Judiciary from Executive included in Article 50.
5) To protect monuments and Historical things included in Article 49.


New more Directive Principles added:-

1) By the 42nd Constitution Amendment of 1976 new 4 DPSP were added.
2) By the 44th Constitution Amendment of 1978 one more added to Article 38.
3) By the 82nd Constitution Amendment of 2002, one more was added Right to Education to children Article 21A.
4) By the 93rd Constitution Amendment, one more was added to Cooperative Societies.


Why it was made Non- Justiciable?

India just got freedom by about 150 years of British Rule by great movement by Mahatma Gandhi and INA. 

Also, the country had much economic loss of trillions of dollars so it was not good to make it compulsory and enforce it as it needed much amount of money too. 

There were many other questions to focus on and seeing India’s diversity it can’t be predicted what country might me after 4 – 5 decades.

Difference between Fundamental Rights & Duties and Directives Principles of State Policy:-

Rights disturb the Government of India and prohibit govt to do activities while Principles support govt to take action. 

Rights are for an individual while Principles are for Community. Rights are for political life while Principles are for Social and Economic.
 In Rights, legislative action is not needed while in Principles action is needed. Rights are justiciable and enforceable while Principles are non-justiciable and non-enforceable.

Some of the main Judiciary cases like Golak Nath (1967), Keshav Nanda (1973), and Minerva Mills (1980) are cases related to it.
 At last one thing here we will mention is that Fundamental Rights cannot be amended to implemented to apply Directives Principles of State Policy.

JAY HIND….!!!!

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