Let us know Short biography of Mahatma Gandhi

Short Biography of Mahatma Gandhi


If you are searching for the best and short biography of Mahatma Gandhi then this blog is for you. Mahatma Gandhiji was a true freedom fighter. ✋✋


We have included 5 Best Parts of Gandhiji’s Life. Gandhiji was a true legend. So we had decided to get a series called “short biography of Mahatma Gandhi”




We all know that Gandhiji’s name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 — 30 January 1948) Porbandar, also known as Mahatma Gandhi. 


Gandhiji was an Indian Lawyer as well as anti-colonial governmental, who always used the Non Violence method to direct India’s independence from British rule and motivated the people of India to win the War of Independence


His wife’s name was Kasturba Gandhi. While parent’ names were Putalibai(Mother) and Karamchand Gandhi.


The name called “Mahatma” was given to him in the year 1914. This name was given in South Africa.??



Early Life of Mahatma Gandhi


Gandhiji was born in a Hindu Family in Gujarat. Gandhiji had mastery of Law. He wanted to pursue more knowledge in law so he decided to go to South Africa.


He lived modestly in a selfindulgent residential community, ate easy vegetarian food, and undertook long fasts as a means of self-purification and political protest.


Tips Duniya


Bringing anti-colonial nationalism into the common Indians, Gandhi led them in hard the British-imposed salt tax with the 400 kilometers Dandi Salt March in 1930 and later in calling for the British to Quit India in 1942.  


He was imprisoned for many years, upon several occasions, in South Africa and India. Gandhiji always fought for division in Caste and Religion


He thought that every human being has the same color of Blood then why we should discriminate against each and other. Everyone are equal here.


short biography of mahatma gandhi



Gandhiji’s Journey in South Africa – Done


As the Black Lives Issue protests have spread, statues of prominent figures are defaced or brought down to their racist pasts. 


It is unfortunate that amidst this, some also have pointed fingers at M K Gandhi.


In the year 1893, Gandhiji Went to South Africa from India to become a Lawyer. He was not yet 45 when he was abandoned in July 1914. Gandhiji spent around 21 Years in South Africa.


The struggle against racism intends to get people to shed any cultural or associated prejudices they may have.


Gandhi is an example of a person who not only discard his earlier ethnocentric thoughts but went on to become an inspiration for African battles.


As an issue of the British Empire, as the young Gandhi then found himself, he sought non-discrimination from the Europeans however resented the decrease in Indian rights whereby educated sections of Indians were clubbed with the raw native’.


Interaction with the Africans has made Gandhiji more concerned about African because Gandhiji has seen a huge Discrimination.


From 1910, Gandhi took voluntarily to third-class travel.  One of the explanations for this, according to him was that he “shuddered to see the account of the hardships” confronted by Africans from the third-class carriages from the Cape. 


“I desired to go through the same hardships myself,” he wrote in a letter to M Fancy, a member in South Africa, on March 16, 1910.  The custom of third-class travel he would continue in India had this African source.  


For these Europeans, as we’re able to raise over color bias, he had a word of praise.  A remarkable change in Gandhi had come from South Africa itself.  


By May 1908, moving past expressing his concern only over Indian topics, Gandhi rejected the policy of segregation and envisioned a South Africa where the many races” commingle”.


Famous Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi

The story of my experiments with truths is the most famous autobiography of Gandhiji. It covers his life from childhood to Non-Cooperation Movement.
It is divided into 5 parts to read. It was written in the Gujarati language later on translated to other Indian Languages.
  • It was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose who called Gandhiji Bapu.?
  • On 6 July 1944 on Singapore radio Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose addressed Gandhiji as Father of Nation.?

Freedom Movement Started by Mahatma Gandhi– Done


Apart from this Mahatma Gandhi was a Man of Action along with his personal experiences also led an impact on the character. This is the most important part of the series “Short Biography of Mahatma Gandhi”


On 9 January 1915, Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa at the age of approx 46.  Following that, he traveled to various parts of India to understand the situation of India.


Back in 1916, he founded the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad (Gujarat) to preach the thought 


The Non – Cooperation Movement


The Non-Cooperation movement premiered in 1920 by Mahatma Gandhi due to the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. Mahatma Gandhi thought that this will continue and Britishers will appreciate their hands over Indians. 


With the support of Congress, Gandhi Ji convinced people for beginning the non-cooperation movement in a calm way that’s an integral element to attain independence. 


He framed the concept of Swaraj and it became a critical element in the Indian freedom struggle.


This movement has gained lots of followers. Many people started boycotting the British.


 But due to the Chauri Chaura incident, Mahatma Gandhiended the movement since in this incident 23 police officials were killed.


There were many other Major Movements led by none other than Mahatma Gandhiji. Gandhiji started movements like


1. Champaran Satyagraha (1917)

2. Kheda Satyagraha (1917 -1918)

3. Khilafat Movement (1919) 


But his strategy worked out in the end! When the government started doing terrorism, then Gandhi took to arms and fought against it. He became the national icon.


This was how the freedom movement grew in strength. the movement did bring a change in the outlook of the masses and the world that was how Gandhi won freedom for the nation.


Mahatma Gandhi Books:-??

1. Indian Home Rule
2. The essential Gandhi
3. The words of Gandhi
4. Pathway to God
5. All men are brothers


Who killed Mahatma Gandhi and When – Done


According to many other people, Nathuram Godse and some of his friends started following Gandhiji into the Playground, where Gandhiji was walking.


One of them pulled a grenade away in the crowd.  The loud explosion frightened the crowd, making a chaotic stampede of people. 


Gandhi was left on the speakers’ platform.  The initial assassination strategy was to throw a second grenade, following the crowds had run away, in the isolated Gandhi.  


Nevertheless, the alleged accomplice Digambar Badge dropped his guts, didn’t throw the second grenade, and ran away together with the crowd. 


Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30 January 1948 from the chemical of Birla House (currently Gandhi Smriti), a large mansion in New Delhi.


His assassin was Nathuram Godse, an advocate of Hindu nationalism, a part of this political party that the Hindu Mahasabha, and also a part of the Hindu governmental volunteer organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).


Godse believed Gandhi to have been overly accommodating to Muslims throughout the Partition of India of the former calendar year.


Shortly after 5 PM according to witnesses Gandhi had attained the very top of the steps resulting in the raised yard supporting Birla House where he was running multi-faith prayer meetings each evening.  


Since Gandhi started to walk toward the dais, Godse stepped out in the crowd flanking Gandhi’s route, and fired three bullets to Gandhi’s torso and abdomen in point-blank variety.


Gandhi fell to the floor.  He was transported back to his area in Birla House where a representative surfaced sometime afterward to declare his passing.


The Gandhi murder trial started in May 1948 at Delhi’s historic Red Fort, together with Godse the primary suspect, along with his collaborator Narayan Apte and six others as the co-defendants.

They were hanged from the Ambala prison on 15 November 1949. This was a short part of “Short Biography of Mahatma Gandhi”  


Why Gandhiji is called Father of our Nation – Done


Why Mahatma Gandhi is known as the Father of the Nation? He created a stir among the people of his nation and people of other nations with his nonviolent approach to political issues.


He has inspired millions of people with his words and speeches. He has always maintained that all men are brothers and are bound to support each other in times of trouble and adversity.


He has inspired people and made them realize that if they follow his line of thinking and remain unmindful of their selfish motives, things will take care of themselves.??


A question that comes to our minds is Why Nation should follow such a wise and peace-loving person like Gandhi? What is it that makes someone so idealistic and beautiful?


What is it that makes him believe in the greatness of his nation and himself? The short biography of Mahatma Gandhi reveals that he once was in the habit of throwing stones at the jail door and once used to assault the police who were trying to arrest him. Why?


Mahatma Gandhi said, “A nation may proceed in accordance with its present trends or may go on revolution. It depends on the poll that the people will vote for me. 


Mahatma Gandhi’s Children:-


1. Manilal Gandhi

2. Devdas Gandhi

3. Harilal Gandhi

4. Ramdas Gandhi


This was a short biography of Mahatma Gandhi.




We cannot get this type of Legends once again. So we must make him remembered every day. 


We cannot forget Gandhiji like this that’s the reason we have made this short biography of Mahatma Gandhi


It is my Humble request to share this message with everybody you know because no one only you can make a difference.


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