What Everyone Ought To Know About Govt Act 1935

Before Govt Act 1935

Laws were passed in 1861, 1892, 1909, 1919, and 1935 by British rule to satisfy the Indian public, but these reforms never satisfied the Indian public. So the new act govt act 1935 was brought.

The Indian Government / Government Act of 1935 (Government of India Act, 1935) has been a major source of the Indian Constitution. 


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The effect of this Act can be clearly seen in the content and language of the present Constitution of India. 

The system in relation to the division of power between the Union and the States and the crisis rights of the President is similar to the Act of 1935.


govt act 1935



Indian Government / Government Act of 1935

1) An All India Union will be established in which, apart from the provinces of British India, the kingdoms of the country will also be included.

2) Provinces will be given the right to self-government. All the subjects of governance were divided into three parts in Govt act 1935-

a. Federal subjects, which were subject to the center;

b. Provincial subjects, which were entirely under the provinces; And

c. Concurrent subjects, which were subject to the center and the province.

But it was decided that in case of opposition between the Center and the provinces, the law of the Center would be accepted. 

In provincial subjects, provinces had the right to self-government, and responsible governance was established in the provinces, that is, governors would act on the advice of Indian ministers responsible for the assembly.

 For this reason, it is said that provincial autonomy was established by this law.


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