Know about 【Fundamental Rights in India】

Fundamental Rights in India / Six categories of Fundamental Rights   The Fundamental Rights are included in Part 3 of the Constitution from Articles 12 to 35.   Constitution developers got inspired by America (i.e Bill of Rights). From there fundamental rights in India were taken.   Fundamental Rights are best as it has not … Read more


Political Geography of India.   India is the most diversified country in the World with great Political Geography Of her. Here in this article, we will have an overlook of the Political Geography Of India. The 7th largest country in terms of Area with about 32,87,263 km sq.2nd most Populas country in the world.   … Read more

Do you know all fundamental duties to be followed

All fundamental duties Tags: fundamental duties, fundamental rights, and duties, 11 fundamental duties, article 51a, fundamental duties in Hindi, fundamental duties of Indian citizen, fundamental duties article.   Currently, an ongoing Pandemic disease, Covid-19 has attacked our nation too, and therefore we had got many guidelines or rules to be followed by the govt of India. So here I have come with … Read more


History of Planning in India    In 1934 M.N.Roy demanded our own Constitution which led leaders of India to fight for  Planning in India.    From the 1930s  Indian leaders came under influence of Socialist philosophy and got inspired by the Russian model of 5-year plans which was introduced in 1928.    There they got … Read more

How difficult was [Making of Indian constitution]

Short Note on Making of Indian Constitution   Tags: short note on making of Indian constitution, short note on making of Indian constitution pdf, write a short note on making of Indian constitution, write a short note on the making of Indian constitution.   When did the process of making of Indian Constitution begin?   It was in 1934 … Read more