How to make Power BI Report Performance wise better?

Following are ways how you can make your power bi report performance-wise better. Our Power BI Report must be less size as publishing, refreshing, and deployment it will take less time.


  • Use Measure instead of Calculated Column.
  • Import only tables which are needed from the database.
  • Use Import Mode rather than Direct Query
  • Use of Reference rather Duplicate.
  • Use Light Custom Visuals, also check with Performance Analyzer Option.
  • Use of Data Profiling and remove empty rows, columns, and unwanted data. Use Merged Columns.
  • Use of Switch DAX and Field Parameters to consume less space.
  • Less use of slicers is a must.
  • Disable Date Hierarchy Keys.
  • Will not connect 2 Facts Table and avoid Many too many relationships.
  • Will avoid Quick Measures.
  • Try to avoid the use of “text” data type columns.
  • Disable auto date & time.
  • Use of Bookmarks and Buttons.
  • Use of Star Schema as 1st preference, 2nd preference as Snowflake schema. Don’t use Galaxy Schema.

For your reference, you can go through these videos to understand it in more detail.

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